Tag Archive: working

What I’ve been up to

So, it’s been quite a while since I’ve blogged.  In fact, it looks like the last time I updated was back in May.  I haven’t forgotten about this blog or blogging in general.  Today would’ve been my tenth year on Xanga, but it died.  Well, it’s technically not dead, but who’s really paying to blog there these days?  Anyway, I haven’t been blogging because I’ve been busy, plus I haven’t had much of a muse.  But yeah, the past few months have been busy.  I went from a temp to permanent about the time I wrote my last blog post.  With this promotion comes more money, which means moving to a new place.  Back in August, my girlfriend and I moved into an apartment much, much closer to where we work.  While I do enjoy the new place, moving is such a pain in the ass.  So it took a bit to settle in, but now we are.  In other news, I’ve signed up for an improv class.  It’s been something I’ve been wanting to do for many years, so yeah, I’m a bit excited about it.  With all that said, I hope to be blogging again soon, but it may be awhile until I do.  Until next time, remember to eat more cow.

Rob of the Sky’s Guide to Working

Hey everyone, I know it’s been a while since I’ve blogged.  You may wonder what I’ve done in the time when I wasn’t blogging.  Well, here’s what I’ve been up to: stuff.  Now that I’ve gotten that out of the way, I do have a bit of news.  Yes, it’s seems that your friendly neighborhood blogger has found a steady job.  Of course, now that I have a job, I have more of a reason why I don’t blog.  Ah, who am I kidding, I never have a good reason why I don’t blog.  Anyway, Now that I have employment, I can write a blog post about having a job.  So I will, as outlined below:

  1. Showing up is the most important thing – This is easy to understand, yet people still don’t do it.  It’s not hard to show up.  It’s not like school where you had to show up with things like homework and term papers and enough gum for the whole class.  In fact, my whole experience has been like so: in elementary school, the teachers gave me a bunch of homework, saying that I would have even more in middle school.  Then I got to middle school and the teachers said that the elementary school teachers were full of it when it came to that amount of homework, yet gave me a bunch of homework anyway, saying that I would be doing more in high school.  Then I got to high school and the teachers said that the middle school teachers were full of it when it came to that amount of homework, yet gave me a bunch of homework anyway, saying that I would be doing more in college.  Then I got to college and the teachers said that the high school teachers were full of it when it came to that amount of homework, yet gave me a bunch of homework anyway, saying that the real world would be much, much harder.  Then I got to the real world and they’re like “you showed up?  Here, have some money”.  So yeah, showing up is very important.  Also, I had to type this twice because WordPress sucks and deleted this and only this paragraph for whatever reason.
  2. Nobody knows what they’re doing – This is a lesson that I’ve learned that applies to pretty much everything in life, but especially to the working world.  It seems like everyone is just faking everything in hope that everything will work out.  Somehow, the world continues despite nobody knowing what they’re doing.  I don’t know how it happens, but it does.
  3. Break times are to be cherished – Confession time: Rob of the Sky isn’t the hardest worker to have ever graced the planet.  Even though I might be what some would consider a slacker, I still long for break time.  Now that I’m thinking about it, I might long for break time because I am a slacker.  Anyway, I like break time because I can surf the internet and not worry about anyone seeing me not work and calling me out on it.  Not that I’ve been called out on not working yet, but that possibility is there.  The best break time is lunch, of which I get an hour.  I don’t need a full hour to eat, so I spend like half of my lunch hour eating and the other half Googling my name.  So yeah, breaks are awesome.
  4. Don’t let the management see you slack off – As I alluded to in the last point, I do sometimes slack off even if it’s not break time.  I’m horrible, I know it.  Anyway, I always gotta keep a eye over my shoulder in case a supervisor walks by and sees me not working.  Yeah, that’s something that wouldn’t end well for me, so I make sure to keep my eye out for supervisors.  Of course, I could avoid being caught not working by actually working, but that’s too much trouble.
  5. Quitting time is the best part of the day – Especially on Friday, since it’s the longest possible amount of time before more work.

So, that’s all I have for now.  Until next time, remember that the only reason why your teacher gives you so much homework is because they hate you.  Peace out.